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Making a Decent Income.


Social Enterprise

The SupportersDesk is a Social Enterprise developed by It is an innovative 'Personal Development Program' that supports unemployed people to get work experience and to find work to make a decent income. is looking for regional partners interested to implement the SupportersDesk in their own language.  

  • Supporting unemployed people to make a decent income
  • Training and coaching by professional staff during 16-24 weeks
  • Social Return on Investment with a tested business case


Social Enterprise with a purpose

The people that work in the SupportersDesk are called: 'Supporters'. During the Program, the Supporters are trained and coached to add new employers to the platform. When employers publish vacancies, Supporters are the first to know. During the Program, all Supporters are coached to find work or education. In the SupportersDesk everyone finds his purpose!

  • Celebrating the talents of our supporters
  • Building work experience and social network
  • Building self-esteem to take action 

Micro SME's

Beyond 'Friends and Family'

The SupportersDesk has a specific focus to invite Micro SME's employing less than 20 employees on to our platform. This group of employers often does not have an HR infrastructure; they do not offer Appraisals to their staff, and they do not have Life-Long Learning in place. This is affecting 40-50% of the total labour force. The SupportersDesk also offers this group to join for FREE.

  • Freemium access to Total Talent platform
  • Selecting the best talents by yourself with artificial intelligence
  • Allow all people to grow and find their purpose

Back to work or back to school

Personal growth

The company culture stimulates Supporters to find work or study opportunities outside of the SupportersDesk within 16-24 weeks. As a result, new Supporters are being welcomed to go through the same process. Every workplace in the SupportersDesk results in 2-3 people that we help to be 'back-in-business' to make a decent income. Year-after-year.

  • Finding work and study opportunities
  • Support people to grow
  • Making people move